Promotion website
Through digital media including banners, email, and social, the audience was driven to the WTD? microsite. 

Banner ads

After capturing their lead gen information players searched for hidden prizes and learned about Eaton's products and services.

Responsive design
Due to the fact that our audience has a high rate of mobile use, the entire experience, including gameplay, was designed responsively.

Trade shows
The game was such a hit that we incorporated it into their trade show experience. Devil Duck has basically taken over the booth. 

Eaton: Where's That Duck?

IT guys are a different breed. So how do you connect with them and show that Eaton “gets them” and their sense of humor? You create a campaign centered around a group of disgruntled IT pro desk toys!

This lead gen and familiarity-boosting promotion had our audience searching for their favorite desk toy in twisted IT environments for a chance to win that toy. During gameplay they learned about Eaton’s products and services.

It was such a hit that it took on a second life as a trade show game with Devil Duck completely taking over the Eaton booth.