Follow the Charge creative
The campaign shows how Eaton can envision the technology and innovations that will lead us into the future, and how they are working to make them a reality. 

FTC print
Print is used to highlight customer success stories. The bold imagery helps change the perceptions among their audience of engineers. 

FTC homepage
The homepage is where users can choose their industry. It's designed to bring lots of engaging content to the forefront and encourage exploration—content that would otherwise be buried deeper in the site.

FTC creative
The campaign shows how Eaton can envision the technology and innovations that will lead us into the future and, how they are working to make them a reality. 

FTC Innovation stories

Innovation stories are a big part of how we show Eaton as a thought leader within the industry. Told in an editorial style with lots of engaging content—for this audience, anyway—they tell the story of an exceptionally innovative product or new technology. 

FTC Infographics
Infographics are how we show the impact of Eaton's technology on the world and are a big part of the campaign.

Eaton: Follow the Charge

Within their large, industrial B2B category, Eaton had a reputation as a provider of quality products but not as a company to turn to for the next big, revolutionary idea. Follow the Charge (FTC) is an awareness campaign for Eaton’s electrical sector that positions them as an innovator and thought leader.

We used digital media to drive to a microsite/content hub where case studies, innovation stories, videos and infographics work together to create the new image of Eaton.  
